Back River United Methodist Church
A Church that is making a Holy Impact on the World
Stephen Njoroge
Leadership Council Chair
Allan Robinson
PPRC Chair
James Barton
Finance Committee Chair
Micaela Jacobs
Michael Dougherty
Multimedia Coordinator
Carl Robertson
Trustee Chair
Scott Sewell
Worship Committee Chair
Sharon Winterling
Editor - The Parish Pen
Suzette Santori
Scouting Coordinator
Jim Barton
Youth Ministry Coordinator
Sandy Goles
Streets of Hope Coordinators
Vicki & Bobby Hynes
Bible Study
Boy Scouts
Cub Scouts
Girl Scouts
Children's Ministry
Streets of Hope
About Us
What to Expect
Our Beliefs
Prayer Requests
BRUMC Memories
2022 Pizza John's Fundraiser
Worship Videos
Church Calendar
Hall Rental
Inclement Weather
Memorial Contributions for Lillian Laverne Robinson - (Frank (Squirt) Wheatley's Mom
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